Built-in advanced features to support small teams
Methodology Implementation
Methodologies are implemented as 1-click approach to set thresholds for AML
rules based on pre-defined threshold setting methodology. Methodology driven
statistical analysis helps compliance to make better decisions.
Configure the base threshold types
Define the scope of transactions to be included in the rule execution.
Set up the specific threshold values
Determine how the rule filters through data and generates alerts.
Review with a simplified process
Confirm threshold configuration details in summary.
Model Validation & Testing
Above the line (ATL) and below the line (BTL) sampling based on pre-defined testing methodology for model validation and testing.
Understand historical test results
Use testing history as a good source of reference for future testing needs.
Execute ATL/BTL test
Generate alerts from sampling methodology to test and validate AML rules.
Set up the test
Configure test to pull samples for testing.
Run projections first
View sample test populations for configured test.
AML Rules Engine
Library of classic AML rules that meet global AML Compliance rules & expectations. Re-designed AML rule logic to focus on transactional behavior
instead of dollar amount thresholds.
Understand the rule configuration process
Step-by-step wizard guide to help you setup each AML rule.
Manage rules as needed
Add or remove rules and keep up with rules management to generate the appropriate alerts.
Keep track of rule run history
Find out when and which version of certain rules were run.
Case Management
Case investigation module that manages the workflow for investigators to disposition cases. Case profile provides in-depth look at the triggers for each individual alerts across multiple rules.
Start investigation with the wizard
Navigate and investigate the case with ease.
View alerts related activities
Decide the severity of a case by diving deeper into the details of alert generation.
Manage reviewers and approvers
Set reviewers and approver for each case
to limit and track user access.
Take notes while investigating
Write the case narrative while viewing case information.
Reporting & Documentation
On-demand document generation to ease the tasks to produce records for internal and external review. Documentation includes analysis that was relied upon, decisions that were made, and rationale to support decisions.
Compiled details in standardized manner
All details of the rule including decisions and configuration settings are captured in the documentation.
Auto-generated documentation
1-click to generate rule threshold analysis report.
View the whole document in the first glance
Allow a quick glance for the details in summary.
Data Quality & Lineage
Assess data quality of key data elements by using data profiling and discovery
functions. View business definitions of data elements in data catalog.
Study the different analyses for each attribute
​Detect and address data issues before running rules.
View the cascading impact of the data through data lineage
Prevent further unforeseen complications and data quality issues by understanding the data catalog and lineage.